Tunisia Young Leader's Forum Workshop, Tunis, 25-27th February

The Tunisian Young Leader's Forum convened its second weekend workshop in Tunis on the weekend of the 25-27th of February. This provided an opportunity for participants to meet as a group for the first time and to engage in sessions on various policy issues. They also had time to share the local projects that they are working on in Tunisia and provide support to one another across regions and sectors.The Forum is a space for regular dialogue between young leaders to provide their perspective on addressing local and national challenges. Participants were Tunisian activists (under the age of 40) who span the political spectrum and come from a variety of professional backgrounds, including members of political parties, activists, representatives of civil society and entrepreneurs. 


Forward Thinking hold meetings with the Ministry of Health of Oman, 23rd February


Meetings in Riyadh - 22nd February 2022