The challenges facing the young people of Gaza - Forward Thinking facilitate meetings, 22nd - 26th June 2019

As part of the latest visit to the region, Forward Thinking held a number of activities within Gaza, that predominately focussed on the challenges facing young people in Gaza in the current context. This included a youth roundtable in Gaza on the 22nd of June.

The roundtable focused on the daily realities young people face and encouraged them to develop potential solutions. Themes covered included education, social values, democratic and civic participation and employment and participants were encouraged to think creatively and work together.

Then on the 26th of June, the Director of Forward Thinking was invited to speak at a larger conference on Youth, that expanded on many of these themes and issues.

In addition to these activities, Forward Thinking also held a number of bi-lateral meetings with influential individuals in the Gaza strip. These meetings were an opportunity for new members of staff to be introduced to key figures and help ensure Forward Thinking's analysis remains informed.



Oliver gives talk at Gaza Conference - ‘A Better Understanding of the Relationship with the West’, 27th June 2019


Exploring current dynamics within Israel - Forward Thinking hold bilateral meetings, 24th-27th June 2019