Rt Hon Alistair Burt Visits Israel, West Bank and Gaza, 15th - 20th January 2020

Between the 15th-20th January 2020, Jordan Morgan and David Lee facilitated a series of meetings for the Rt. Hon. Alistair Burt in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. 

In Israel the meetings explored several key political developments. This included the level of support for annexation of the West Bank within Israel; the implications of the current political impasse and predictions for the forthcoming rerun; in addition to U.S. President Donald Trump’s so-called ‘Deal of the Century’. Discussions helped to develop a deeper understanding of the political, religious and ideological trends shaping the thinking and direction within the Israeli political and religious right-wing. Meetings took place across the political spectrum, with MKs from Blue and White, Likud and the Jewish Home, including with Gideon Saar MK (pictured).  

A series of bilateral meetings, workshops and roundtables enabled a deeper analysis of the current context within Gaza and the West Bank and the sharp divisions that continue to exist.

In Gaza, a roundtable was held with 50 cross-factional intellectuals to explore the internal Palestinian political challenges and the opportunities to address them. In addition, we facilitated a workshop with 30 young Palestinians to develop the next generation of political leadership through capacity building. The event provided an opportunity for Mr Burt  to share his analysis and experiences in Government as a Minister and Member of Parliament. These were welcome interventions, particularly given that some participants had not left Gaza in over 10 years due to the ongoing restrictions on travel from Gaza. Bilateral meetings also took place with UNRWA, to explore the desperate humanitarian challenges facing Gaza; a visit took place to the Islamic University Gaza and to the Commonwealth Gaza War Cemetery.

The visit concluded with a cross-factional roundtable in West Bank with PLC members and a meeting with Mohammed Schtayyeh, Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority. 


Julian Weinberg participates in the Think20 Inception Conference, Saudi Arabia 17-23 January


“Exploring how the international community can constructively improve conditions for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”, Working Dinner, Jerusalem, 16th January 2020