Peace-making and Statecraft in the Muslim World, Colloquium, Istanbul 10-12 February

Oliver McTernan and Julian Weinberg spoke at the colloquium "Peace-making and Statecraft in the Muslim World: Towards a More Convergent Normative Conflict Resolution Framework", hosted in Istanbul, 10-12 February, by the Folke Bernadotte Academy, the Swedish agency for peace, security and development, and the Centre for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies in Doha.The colloquium explored Islamic forms of conflict resolution, including in relation to statecraft and the development of post conflict transitional governance arrangements.  It brought together practitioners, academics, and policymakers from across Europe and Muslim-majority countries to explore these issues and identify and examine how certain procedural and substantive principles deployed by the Prophet Mohammad inform Islamic approaches to peacemaking.     


Forward Thinking hold meetings in Ankara, 14-15 February 2022


Forward Thinking Hold Meetings in the North West and Yorkshire, 7-9 February 2022