Julian Weinberg attends the opening of the 10th Party Congress of Ennahda, Tunis 19th - 21st May

Rached Ghannouchi and President Essebsi at the 10th Ennahda Congress, May 2016
Rached Ghannouchi and Beji Caid Essebsi in discussions at a Forward Thinking Workshop, January 2014
JW at Ennahda Party Conference with Ghannouchi - May 2016

Julian Weinberg attended the 10th party Congress of the Ennahda party in Tunis between the 19th - 21st of May. The Conference represented a significant milestone in the party's history, with the party formally announcing a new ideological and political framework.The participation of President Beji Caid Essebsi at the Congress was symbolic of the enormous progress and consensus Tunisia has achieved at the national level. In his speech President Essebsi publicly praised the role that Ennahda played in supporting the democratic process and the role of Rached Ghannouchi in the development of the party. We recall the meeting of the two leaders at a Forward Thinking workshop in January 2014, exploring the potential compatibility between religious and secular worldviews - the first time the two men met with colleagues from their parties in Tunisia .More details on the Ennahda Party Congress can be found here: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/966407b8-2033-11e6-aa98-db1e01fabc0c.html#axzz49QT5zAbP


Forward Thinking hold breakfast roundtable with Mustapha Barghouti, 23rd May 2016


Political Dialogues Director holds meeting with Tunisian Minister for Employment and Vocational Training, May 19th 2016