Helsinki Policy Forum - Strengthening cooperation in addressing Covid-19 and preparing for future pandemics - online meeting 19th April

On the 19th of April the Helsinki Policy Forum, in collaboration with the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, convened an online meeting on how to improve cooperation in addressing Covid-19 and enhance preparations for future pandemics.The meeting was hosted by H.E. Krista Kiuru, Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services of Finland, and attended by high-level representatives from Europe and the Gulf-MENA region, as well as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, COVAX, the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness, the Sovereign Order of Malta, and WHO EMRO.Participants identified clear recommendations to improve pandemic preparedness. These included strengthening vaccine supply chains and distribution hubs, improving early warning systems and investing more into viral research. While acknowledging the important and unprecedented work of COVAX, participants emphasised that greater levels of solidarity were required to ensure there is equity in vaccine distribution. Not only is this a moral imperative but it will help to ensure the whole world is protected against resurgent waves of Covid-19 and the emergence of new and dangerous variants.Looking ahead, participants emphasised that Covid-19 must represent a turning point, in which global public health is treated as a priority by governments and placed at the heart of the international system.


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