Forward Thinking at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, Thursday 11th February
On Thursday 11th February the Forward Thinking met with Francis Campbell, Vice-Chancellor of St Mary’s University, Twickenham, and his team, in order to discuss areas of greater cooperation between the university and Forward Thinking’s work.Key initiatives under development include the establishment of a partnership with the Palestinian Authority on teacher-training, whether through degrees, distance courses, summer schools, or consultancy; expansion upon a position paper on religious literacy and secularism to which many of Forward Thinking’s interlocutors have contributed; the development of a workshop on ‘women in politics and peace-building’, building upon participation of a significant number of Ultra-Orthodox and secular Israeli women in Forward Thinking ‘Irish Peace Process Programme’; and the redevelopment of the MA in ‘Religion and Conflict Resolution’ to emphasise both practitioner and academic input.